Facebook View Sunil Pathak Associate Professor at NAMTECH

Sunil Pathak

Dr. Sunil Pathak is a researcher and academic specializing in Laser Shock Peening, Additive Manufacturing, and Post-Processing Methods for AM and conventionally manufactured parts. He earned his PhD from IIT Indore in 2016 in the broader area of Advanced/Hybrid Finishing and holds a Master of Engineering (ME) and Bachelor of Engineering from RGPV Bhopal.


From 2021 to 2024, he worked as a Scientist at the HiLase Centre, Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, focusing on Laser Shock Peening (LSP) and advanced laser-based surface treatments. His research in this area led to a patent in LSP, further strengthening innovations in surface enhancement technologies. Additionally, from April 2023 to December 2024, he served as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Machining Technology, Design and Metrology at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, contributing to research and academic development. Prior to his work in the Czech Republic, he was a Senior Lecturer/Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Engineering Technology at University Malaysia Pahang (2017–2020), where he engaged in teaching, research, and industry collaborations.


With experience in project and team management, he has been awarded research grants worth more than 10 crore INR. He has published several research journal articles, holds patents, and has delivered multiple keynotes talk at international platforms. His work connects fundamental research with industrial applications, contributing to advancements in manufacturing and materials processing.


Dr. Pathak brings a diverse international perspective, drawing from his academic and research engagements across India, Southeast Asia, and Europe. He also actively follows recent developments in technology and economics, staying engaged with global advancements that shape the future of industry and innovation.

  1. PhD, Indian Institute of Technology, 2016
  2. Master of Engineering (ME), RGPV Bhopal, 2012
  3. Bachelor of Engineering, RGPV Bhopal, 2009

April 2023- Dec 2024

  1. Assistant Professor, Department of Machining Technology, Design and Metrology / Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague

Jan 2021- Dec 2024

  1. Scientist, HiLASE Centre of Institute of Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic

Feb 2017- Feb 2020

  1. Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering Technology, University Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia

Jan 2013 – Nov 2016

  1. Teaching Assistant/ Senior Research Fellow, Discipline of Mechanical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Indore, (MP) India

Editorial Board of Journals:

  1. Editorial board for Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Taylor and Francis, UK, since 2021.
  2. Editorial Board Member for International Journal of Hydromechatronics, Inderscience Publications, Since Feb 2020
  3. Editorial board Member for Journal of Micromanufcaturing, Sage Publications, UK, Since 2019
  4. Editorial board Member for International Journal of Precision Technology, Inderscience Publications, Since Jan 2020


  1. Sunil Pathak.; Böhm, M.; Kaufman, J.; Zulić, S.; Brajer, J.; Stránský, O.; Rostohar, D.; Radhakrishnan, J. Method for improving surface integrity of an additive manufactured mesoscopic gear, product thereof and device carrying out the method. Luxembourg Patent (LU502626). 2024-02-07. Pending US Patent (18365217)
  2. Vivek Rana, Neelesh K Jain, Sunil Pathak. A cathode tool for gear tooth flank modification by electrochemical machining. Indian Patent (484056). 18.12.2023

Journal Publications (Last Five Years Only):

  1. Kaufman, J., Křivan, M., Petrenec, M., Mrňa, L., Sunil Pathak, Šmaus, J., Brajer, J. and Mocek, T. (2025), Investigations on Fatigue Life of Ball Pin After Laser Shock Peening. Fatigue Fract Eng Mater Struct. https://doi.org/10.1111/ffe.14588
  2. Pitrmuc, Z., Rana, V., Slaný, M., Kyncl, J., Sunil Pathak., & Beránek, L. (2025). Removing High-Velocity Oxyfuel Coatings Through Electrolytic Dissolution. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing, 9(2), 40. https://doi.org/10.3390/jmmp9020040
  3. Jan Kaufman, David Bricín, Zbyněk Špirit, Josef Strejcius, Jan Šmaus, Sunil Pathak, Zdeněk Fulín, Jan Brajer, Tomáš Mocek (2025). Mitigating environmental assisted cracking in heterogeneous welds by laser peening without coating, 167, Part A,
  4. Sunil Pathak, Ondřej Stránský, Jan Šmaus, Jaromír Kopeček, Jinoop Arackal Narayanan, Jan Kaufman, Libor Beránek, Marek Böhm, Jan Brajer, Tomáš Mocek (2024). Influence on micro-geometry and surface characteristics of laser powder bed fusion built 17-4 PH miniature spur gears in laser shock peening, 9, 100151. (DOI: /10.1016/j.aime.2024.100151)
  5. O. Stránský, L. Beránek, Sunil Pathak, J. Šmaus, J. Kopeček, J. Kaufman, M. Böhm, J. Brajer, T. Mocek, F. Holešovský (2024). Effects of Sacrificial Coating Material in Laser Shock Peening of L-PBF Printed AlSi10Mg Virtual and Physical Prototyping, 19(1): e2340656 (15 pages). (DOI:10.1080/17452759.2024.2340656)
  6. O. Stránský, I. Tarant, L. Beránek, F. Holešovský, Sunil Pathak, J. Brajer, T. Mocek, O. Denk (2024). Machine Learning Approach towards AM Manufactured AlSi10Mg Thin Tubes in Laser Shock Peening. Surface Engineering, 40(1): 66-72. (DOI:10.1177/02670844231221974)
  7. O. Stránský, L. Beránek, Sunil Pathak, J. Kaufman, M. Böhm, J. Kopeček, F. Holešovský, Š. Petrášek, L. Hlavůňková, Z. Soukup (2023). Porosity and Microstructure of L-PBF printed AlSi10Mg thin tubes in Laser Shock Peening. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 27: 1683-1695. (10.1016/j.jmrt.2023.10.013)
  8. V Rana, N K Jain and Sunil Pathak (2023). Non-Contact Flank Modifications of Spur Gears Using Cathodic Gear Tools and Mechanisms: An Experimental Study, Materials and Manufacturing Processes. (10.1080/10426914.2023.2289670)
  9. V Rana, N K Jain and Sunil Pathak (2023). Mathematical modelling and validation of twist-free lead crowning of spur gears by pulsed electrochemical flank modification process, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, (DOI: 10.1007/s00170-023-12468-w)
  10. V Rana, N K Jain and Sunil Pathak (2023). Development of analytical models for tip, root and end relieving of spur gears by pulsed electrochemical finishing process, Under Review in CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 47, 132-157. (DOI: 10.1016/j.cirpj.2023.09.004)
  11. Sunil Pathak, Marek Böhm, Jan Kaufman, Jaromír Kopeček, Sanin Zulić, Ondřej Stránský, Jan Brajer, Libor Beránek, Tomáš Mocek (2023), Microstructure and Surface Quality of SLM printed Miniature Helical Gear in LSPwC. Surface Engineering, 39(2), 229-237. (DOI: 10.1080/02670844.2023.2207934)
  12. V Rana, N K Jain and Sunil Pathak (2023). Investigations on tip relieving of spur gears by non-contact process, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 38 (13), 1707-1715. (DOI: 10.1080/10426914.2023.2176877)
  13. Sunil Pathak, Marek Böhm, Jan Kaufman, Jaromír Kopeček, Sanin Zulić, Ondřej Stránský, Ashish Shukla, Jan Brajer, Libor Beránek, Danijela Rostohar, J. Radhakrisnan, Tomáš Mocek (2023), Surface Integrity of SLM Manufactured Meso-Size Gears in Laser Shock Peening without Coating. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 85: 764-773. (DOI: 10.1016/j.jmapro.2022.12.011)
  14. V Rana, N K Jain and Sunil Pathak (2023). Improving functional performance characteristics of spur gears through flank modifications by non-contact advanced finishing process, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Accepted for Publication, Nov 2022. (DOI: 10.1007/s00170-022-10566-9)
  15. Sunil Pathak, Sanin Zulić, Jan Kaufman, Jaromír Kopeček, Ondřej Stránský, Marek Böhm, Jan Brajer, Libor Beránek, Ashish Shukla, Michal Ackermann, Filip Véle, Tomáš Mocek, Post-processing of selective laser melting manufactured SS-304L by laser shock peening (2022), Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 19: 4787-4792. (DOI: 10.1016/j.jmrt.2022.07.014)
  16. Khilji, Irshad Ahamad, Siti Nadiah Binti Mohd Safee, Sunil Pathak, Chaitanya Reddy Chilakamarry, Amiril Sahab Bin Abdul Sani, and Venugopal Jayarama Reddy (2022). “FacileManufacture of Oxide-Free Cu Particles Coated with Oleic Acid by Electrical Discharge Machining” Micromachines 13, no. 6: 969. (DOI:10.3390/mi13060969)
  17. S Zulić, D Rostohar, J Kaufman, Sunil Pathak, M Böhm, J Brajer, T Mocek (2022). Fatigue Life Enhancement of Additive Manufactured 316L Stainless Steel by LSP using a DPSS Laser System, Surface Engineering, 38 (2) 183-190. (DOI: 10.1080/02670844.2022.2060463)
  18. I A Khilji, S N B M Saffe, Sunil Pathak, Ş Ţălu, S Kulesza, M Bramowicz (2022). Titanium Alloy Particles Formation in Electrical Discharge Machining and Fractal Analysis, JOM, Springer. 74, 448–455. (DOI:10.1007/s11837-021-05090-2)
  19. S Marimuthu, Sunil Pathak, J Radhakrishnan, A M.Kamara (2021) “In-process Monitoring of Laser Surface Modification Process, Coatings MDPI, 11(8), 886. (DOI: 10.3390/coatings11080886)
  20. NA Zolpakar; N.A. Mohd Fuad, Sunil Pathak (2021) ” A review: use of evolutionary algorithm for optimisation of machining parameters” The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 115:31–47. (DOI: 10.1007/s00170-021-07155-7)
  21. Sunil Pathak, G.C. Saha, M.B.A. Hadi, N.K. Jain (2021) “Engineered nanomaterials for aviation industry in COVID-19 context: a time-sensitive review” Coatings, MDPI, 11 (4), 382. (DOI: 10.3390/coatings11040382)
  22. A Khan, K Gupta, Sunil Pathak (2020) “Surface Morphology Investigation of Miniature Gears Manufactured by Abrasive Water Jet Machining” Int. Journal of Surface Science and Engineering, 14(2), 158-173. (DOI: 10.1504/IJSURFSE.2020.108227)
  23. Ş Ţălu, S Kulesza, M Bramowicz, Sunil Pathak, N K Jain (2019) “Multiscale Surface Texture and Fractal Analysis of Straight Bevel Gears Finished by PECH and PECF Process” Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 34 (16), 1882-1887. DOI:10.1080/10426914.2019.1683578)
  24. P Rai, N K Jain and Sunil Pathak (2019) “Experimental Investigations on Surface Finish and Micro-Geometry of Helical Gear in PECH Process” Proceedings of the IMECH Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 230 (10), 3364-3375. (DOI: 10.1177/0954406218822095) (Impact Factor: 1.762).
  25. N K Jain, Sunil Pathak, and M Alam (2019) “Synthesis of Copper Nano-Particles by Pulsed Electrochemical Dissolution (PECD) Process” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 58(2),602-608. (DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.8b03146) (Impact Factor: 3.720).
  26. J Chaudhary, N K Jain, Sunil Pathak and S C Koria (2019) “Investigations on Autogenous Joining of Thin Stainless-Steel Sheets by Pulsed Micro-Plasma Transferred Arc Process” Journal of Micromanufacturing, 2(1) 15-24. (DOI: 10.1177/2516598418820470).


  1. Editors: Şenol Bayraktar and Sunil Pathak, Title: Environmentally Benign Machining, (2024), CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, (ISBN 9781032403038)
  2. Editors: Kumar, Hussain, Jain, and Sunil Pathak, Lasers in Manufacturing, (2023), CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, (ISBN: 9781032245003).
  3. Editor: Jagdhessh Radhakrishnan and Sunil Pathak, Title: Advanced Engineering of Materials through Lasers (2022), Publisher: Springer Nature Publishing, Germany. (ISBN: 978-3-031-03829-7)
  4. Editor: Sunil Pathak, Title: Intelligent Manufacturing (2020), Publisher: Springer Nature Publishing, ISBN: 978-3-030-50312-3.
  5. Editors: Sunil Pathak and Gobinda Saha (2020), Title: Cold Spray in Realm of Additive Manufacturing, Publisher: Springer Nature Publishing, Germany. ISBN 978-3- 030-42756-6.
  6. Authors: Sunil Pathak, Neelesh K Jain, I A Palani, Title: Finishing of Conical Gears by Pulsed Electrochemical Honing (2019), Publisher: Cambridge Scholar Publishers, UK. ISBN (10): 1-5275-3366-2, ISBN (13): 978-1-5275-3366-0.

Book Chapters

  1. Zhehao Jiang, Sunil Pathak, Subramani, J. Radhakrishnan, Sundar Marimuthu (2022), “Surface Morphology of Nimonic Alloy 263™ in Nanosecond Pulsed Laser Ablation” In Book: Advanced Engineering of Materials through Lasers (Editors: Sunil Pathak and Jagdheesh Radhakrishnan), Springer Int Publihshing.
  2. Sunil Pathak and G. Saha (2020), “Cold Spray: Its Prominence as an Additive Manufacturing Technology” Published in Book Cold Spray in the Realm of Additive Manufacturing, PP 1- 17 (Editor: Dr. Sunil Pathak and Dr. Gobinda Saha), Springer Int
  3. Vinod Kumar Sharma, Sunil Pathak, S.N.V.R. Prasanth, D.V. Ravishankar, M.M. Hussain,
  4. M. Badiganti, (2020), “Influence of Milling Process Parameters on Surface quality of GFRP Composites” Published in a research book entitled “Glass Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composites Materials, Manufacturing and Engineering” Edited by J.Babu & J. P. Davim , De Gruyter Publisher Germany. PP 69-84. (DOI: 10.1515/9783110610147-005)
  5. Nor Atiqah Zolpakar, Swati Pathak, Sunil Pathak and Mohita Anand (2020), “Application of Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA) Optimization in Manufacturing Processes” Published in Book Entitled as “Optimization of Manufacturing Processes” (Editor: Dr. Kapil Gupta), Springer Int Publishing. Pp 185-199.
  6. Neelesh Kumar Jain, Sunil Pathak (2016), “Chapter 30028: “Electrochemical Processing and Surface Finish” in Comprehensive Materials Finishing 3 (Volume Editor: Bakir Sami Yilbas; Editor-in-Chief: S. Hashmi) Elsevier Inc. Oxford (UK). (DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12- 803581-8.09182-7; online since 29 April 2016). (ISBN: 978-0-12-803581-8).
  7. Neelesh Kumar Jain, Sunil Pathak (2016), “Fine Finishing of Gears by Electrochemical Honing Process” in Nanofinishing Science and Technology: Basic and Advanced Finishing and Polishing Processes (Editor: V K Jain), CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, New York (USA).
  8. Sunil Pathak, (2014), “Improving Surface Quality of Bevel Gears by Pulsed ECH Process” Chapter 19 in DAAAM International Scientific Book 2014, pp. 221-238, B. Katalinic (Ed.), Published by DAAAM International Vienna, Austria, ISBN 978-3-901509-94-0, ISSN 1726- 9687. (DOI: 2507/daaam.scibook.2014.19).


  1. Invited Talk at Optica Laser Congress, Barcelona on “Laser Shock Peening of SLM Manufactured Meso Sized Cylindrical Gears” during Dec 11 to Dec 15, 2022.
  2. Keynote Talk on “Laser Shock Peening: Improving Quality of Metallic Parts” in an
    International Conference on Sustainable materials, Manufacturing and Renewable Technologies (i-SMaRT-2022) held at Federal Institute of Science and Technology (FISAT) Kerala, India held during 25-27th May 2022.
  3. Keynote Talk on “Laser-Based Processing of Smart Materials” in SERB Sponsored Karyashala under Accelerated Vigyan Scheme on Computational Techniques for Smart Materials Modelling and Bio-medical Applications held at Indian Institute of Technology Mandi, India during 24 Jan 2022 to 30 Jan 2022.
  4. Keynote talk on “Laser Shock Peening and Its benefit for the Real World” on 22nd April, 2021 in an International Conference on Sustainable materials, Manufacturing and Renewable Technologies (i-SMaRT-2021) held at Federal Institute of Science And Technology (FISAT) Kerala, India.
  5. Guest Speaker on “Advances in machining technologies” in a Faculty Development program held at karapagam college of Engineering, Coimbatore India on 30th June 2020.

Projects Undertaken:

  1. HiLASE: LASSAP Project, 2023-2028, 20 Million. EUR
  2. HiLASE: MSCA Czech Republic, 2021-2022, 120000 Euros
  3. Experimental Investigations on Debris Formation in Electrical Discharge Machining, (2019-2020), Amount: 157513 CZk, Grant from: Internal Grant, UMP (RDU1903137)
  4. Investigation on Performance of Different Vegetable Based Nano-Fluid used In Minimum Quantity Lubricant (MQL) System for Machining Ti-6Al-4v Titanium Alloys, (2018-2020), Amount: 166747 CZK, Grant from: UMP GRANT (RDU1803145)
  5. Optimization of Machining Parameters on Temperature Rise in CNC Turning of Al 6063 using Genetic Algorithm, (2018-2020), Amount: 148823 CZK, Grant from: UMP GRANT, (RDU1803144)
  6. Development of Pulsed Electrolytic Dissolution Process for the Generation of Fine Nanoparticles, (2017-2019), Amount: 133071 CZK, UMP GRANT (RDU1703113)


  1. Laser Shock Peening
  2. Laser-based Manufacturing and Machining Processes
  3. Hybrid Machining and Finishing Processes

Councils & Boards